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Saint Phnx

Foto van schrijver: kasmiminalisakasmiminalisa

I'm pretty sure most of you haven't heard of Saint Phnx before. And I can tell you, they are pretty (read: very) good!

These guys were the opening act for Yungblud on October 28th in Ancienne Belgique. I didn't expect that much of the opening act, I was just going to see Yungblud to be honest. But I am so glad I did get to see Saint Phnx as well. They were just so amazing, they really had the energy they needed to get the crowded (even more) excited for Yungblud.

"I absolutely love Saint PHNX, I haven't heard any of their music before the first concert I saw of them, but I fell in love with them when they opened the show." - Dylan Fitzgerald

Just a little background to who they are:

Saint Phnx are 2 Scottish brothers, Al and Stevie Jukes performing with an external guitarist from Scotland, John Cargill.

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