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21 Pilots

Foto van schrijver: kasmiminalisakasmiminalisa

The first time hearing them live, no it's not a typo!

It's been a while since this concert. But I remember that I was really excited for this concert, but it the end I didn't feel like I really enjoyed it. Don't get me wrong, I loved 21 Pilots performing, but I barely saw anything because I wasn't tall enough and there were girls literally screaming in my ears which was the most annoying thing ever!

The performance of 21 Pilots itself was amazing! It started with a car being on fire, amazing! They ran from one side of the concert hall to the other to perform, at that moment I could actually see them better which was nice.

The stage went up a few times while they were performing, as you can see in the pictures Tyler and Josh both went up while performing.

My 3 favorite songs at this concert were 'Bandito', 'Leave The City' and 'Fairly Local'. I did love all the songs, but that's just my top 3.

The performance itself was, like I've said before, amazing, just the audience around me was not that nice, constantly pushing people, screaming in their ears on such a high pitch... That's all but pleasant.

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